Sunday, August 5, 2007

Apollo’s Diary, April 14th

Not sure what happened this last week but I must have gotten my get out of jail free card. They actually turned me lose in the house. FREEDOM at last. There is nothing like a little bit of exercise to get the blood flowing. I thing my legs where starting to atrophy. Well of course it’s Saturday and everyone is home and busy. Fresh pancakes for breakfast, for some reason a place at the table was not set for me so I had to help myself, or at least try. I never did get any, but that sticky stuff is pretty nice. It gives you a buzz like you would never imagine. I wish I could have some of that every day. Just a little wake me up sugar buzz.

Boy I really need that extra kick also. I finally figured out why all the carting around. Angry guy #1 must own the ground you walk on and you must pay a tax. Otherwise you get the “Paw of Death”. That thing must be about three fee long. It’s telescoping and appears from nowhere and for no reason. I suppose I must have been breathing. BTW: his name is Seyah and he really has some horrible breath. He gives a new meaning to scary, I think I can count his cavities when he opens up. Needless to say first day out I scoped out all the good tight hiding spots. Under the bed is pretty good but he really is the only one that can’t make it under there. The other two don’t have a problem. I suppose it pays to be thin!

The tall dark guy saw I was having a bit of a problem so he put angry guy #1 and #2 away in their room. You know what that means. I have the bombshell all to myself. I have to say I don’t think I made the best impression on first meeting her. I think I pooped my pants (ok I know I don’t where pants). She does have the whitest teeth I have ever seen. I think I got a really close look while they where around my neck and she had me pined to the floor. She was willing to show them to me several times. I did not want to do anything stupid, I wonder if whining like a little baby while on my back counts? If you ask me she does not play fair .oO( like women do). In all honesty I never heard the bell for the match to start. I don’t think I heard any of the bells. Well maybe in my head after a while but I don’t think that counts. The rest of the day I got my exercise in, running and hiding; run, hide, run hide. The problem is she has long legs and they are fully functional. Fast and light I tell you. She is a machine. Programmed, programmed, programmed to dance. I don’t think I have much of a chance with her. She must have the hots for Angry guy #1. There is no competing with him.

There is nothing like a quiet room to get some good down time and a full nights rest. I never thought that I would like to see the “room”. Maybe I will have to be satisfied with only the fresh scent of flowers for now. Apollo.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Apollo’s Diary, April 8th

April 8th, Day 9

There is nothing like new love and the vision of a new horizon to help you sleep well. I think I had a dozen dreams last night of the tall dark goddess. She is dark, mysterious and …
…oh, the smell of fresh flowers in the spring time. Not that I would know. I mean she really smells fresh. She really knows how to take care of those pearly whites as well. I don’t remember ever seeing anyone with teeth that white before. I suppose it has something to do with all that cardboard that she chews. What ever it is, it’s doing the job.

For some reason they must think that I don’t know how to walk on my own four legs. Every time they come to let me out of my little hole. They pick me up, parade me around the house for a while. It seems like everyone is inspecting something on me. Then back to either in the room or the bathroom. I suppose the room is not too bad. If only they would forget Moja in there. I think I’m ready to play!

I have seen the lay of the land. When ever I get carted around I make sure that I take notes. So far I’ve noticed that… well there is a lot more room and also more rooms. All of which needs some serious exploring. There are all kinds of smells in the house. Down stairs there is this big giant thing that has pictures that move in it and also sounds come out of it. It does seem like I spend time down there forced to watch this thing while effectively glued on my owners lap. This can be kind of scary. I also learned that well there are two other dudes down stairs that are none too happy. Someone needs to give them a chill pill. They must not have gotten any love from their mother at kits, they seem to be angry all the time. I suppose it’s a good that my owner has me on his lap. It’s like there is a force field around me.

Angry guy #1. He is big he’s black. OK, maybe just dark and when I say dark I mean really dark. And big, did I say big? Really big. They kind of guy you want on your side. The kind of guy that you would never ever want to meet in a dark alley. Every time he comes over to sniff me he hisses. His mouth opens up, I think I’m going to get eaten, this terrible stench of a breath hisses at me then follows that up with some growling, and more growling. Then he stomps off to some unknown place where I can’t see him. Not a good thing. You know, keep your enemies close or at least in plain sight.

Angry guy #2. He is more golden and much smaller then angry guy #1. I think it’s pretty obvious who is king around here. Angry guy #2 keeps trying to do sneak attacks. He will get behind me and sniff, sniff, sniff then hiss and growl. It is a little unsettling when you don’t expect it.

Then there is Moja. I think it makes it all worth while. Seeing her handle herself with the other is like watching poetry in motion. She must be a ballerina. Graceful when she walks, graceful when she glides through the air, I think she is just plain graceful. Her spots are every bit as dark as Angry guy #1’s spots but she just wears them better, and I do mean lots better.

Well then, back to the room I suppose. At least it’s the play room and not the bathroom. Now if only I could find something good to play with. Apollo
ps: The photo is Moja.
Here is a link to her slide show photos:

Friday, July 13, 2007

Apollo's Diary, April 7th

OK here is the next entry in his diary. I kind of wonder if he thinks something is up. He keeps sniffing around it. I think Im going to need some latex gloves next time.


Apollo’s Diary, April 7th 2007
Wow, it’s hard to believe that it has been a week. I know its Saturday again. The tall dark handsome fellow (L) is staying home all day. I really hope that this does not mean another ride to the guy with the white coat.

I can’t believe that I have not been allowed out of this cramped room. I think I’m going crazy. I can tell others are having fun and I’m just being tortured. I finally figured out that I’m sharing a room with this tall dark spotted goddess. The bad news is I only share it when she is not in there. It seems that she gets let out after her beauty rest and then I get to play in there for the day then at night she takes it over and I get stuck in the bathroom once again. I’m not sure but I think it is in bad taste that she leaves her SCENT in there and then I get locked up and have to smell her essence without seeing her.

My new owners, yes more than one. There is an even taller female here, (E). She sneaks in from time to time for a quick play. What a tease. Anyway, they forgot to lock her door (tall dark spotted goddess) and it was left open. Yes that is right. There was only one door separating us. We played under the door all night. I have to say that she really has big paws and a reach of … of… well Goliath. I bet she is from the Amazon. I hear they grow them bigger there. She left me a present this morning. She peed in her litter box in the room. She missed the litter and marked on the side. It ran down the side to soak the wood pellets. Well I have to tell you that I spent lots of time in the litter today. There really is nothing like the scent of fresh wood with urine on it. Especially fresh female urine. It just gives you WOOD. I’m not sure what it is but you just fell like rolling in it, and I did.

Later that day I found out what the big tub in the room was for. I think it is this large water torturing device. Well I suppose I got my first bath. Leonard was doing a lot of complaining about some smell. I thought I was just fine. I smelled like fresh flowers. OK maybe not but the next best thing. Nothing like a little ooooodur (odor) to put some lead in the old pencil.
About the mush. You kind of develop a taste for it. Actually it’s kind of addictive. I figured out that Purina Kitten Chow is for kits. Now that I’m 20 weeks old I need to start eating fresh meat. That’s right folks, that fowl smell was bird, bird with a capital B, chick - chick, good old ground whole chicken. It couldn’t get any better then that. I noticed that I’ve really been pounding the weight. I must have gained a pound during this week. Considering that I was only 4 pounds when I first got here that is saying a lot.

Tonight I think I’m going to dream about wild untamable beasts. Cuz that is what she is, wild. Her name is MojaDuma and I’m gonna put some mojo on her! Well back to the bathroom. I found out that bathroom sinks can make wonderful beds with proper bedding.

Apollo's Diary Day Two, March 31

Like I promised the next installment of Apollo's diary. This is what was in for his second day here.

Apollo's Diary Day Two, March 31

Well it’s Saturday. Don’t ask me how I know but there is just a smell in the air. Could be that smell of fresh flowers I suppose. Looks like I’m still stuck in this small room. I cry LET ME OUT OF HERE!!! Finally my new owner comes to investigate and asks. “What is all the fuss about”, “Are you OK”. Come a little closer and I will show you what the fuss is about. He picks me up and I give him weapon number two, one big stinky fart. I was saving that one for the right occasion. And it worked. It’s morning and he puts another bowl of this foul smelling stuff in front of me again. Is this retribution for the stunt this morning? I scream, WHERE is my Purina Kitten Chow!! Yes triumphant again. The good stuff comes out. There really is no taste like Kitten Chow.
I like my new digs. Small green and padded. There is nothing like a nice quite place to sleep. I think I spoke to soon. A gated door suddenly appears on it and then I’m stuffed in it. Oh no what now? I promise I will be good. Just don’t put me on the big sliver thing again. Five hours without peeing is all I could take. We motor around in his Jeep for a while then I end up at some office with a guy with a white coat that has some kind of butt probing fetish. HEY I was just kidding about the GAY stuff. I’m not really. Probe comes out and all seems to be OK. This white coat guy is a little too touchy if you ask me. No one did. Next the force me down and prick my back leg. Stop it, there is not enough of that red stuff to go around. What are you a vampire?
Soon I’m in the car again and then to my new home again. I’m still in this small room, but there is that smell again, fresh flowers. There is lots of commotion. I know there are other kitties out there I can hear them. Why can’t I play. I do know how to play. My middle name is not "Trouble" for no reason.
I finally get let out of the small room, the bathroom evidently. My new master comes to visit with me and then engages me with this really foul smell. I’ve heard of smelly poop but this is outrageous. Not to mention that I’m locked in there with him and the bathroom is just not that big.
I get let out into the next room. It’s plush and big but devoid of all the fun stuff. What is the point of giving a kitten a play room with out a big tall cat tree? He breaks out this feather toy and of course feathers are my best friend. After about an hour it’s all I can do to move. Time for a little nappy time. I don’t know how long I slept for but I wake up with that god awful mush in front of my face again and no kitten chow to be seen. This time he opens my mouth and forces a piece on my tongue. Where is my KITTEN CHOW!!... mm mmmm what is this …
…has kind of a wild taste. A wild foul taste? Could be a wild fowl taste. Some how it reminds me of feathers. Maybe a little bite might be OK. Mmmm. Well for the smell it’s really not too bad. I better not eat too much and demand some kitten chow. I score a gain, what a sucker.

Ok well that was it for Sat March 31.

More to come later


Apollo's Diary, Day 1

Hey everyone I was doing some cleaning around the house. Yes I know that is hard to believe but under the couch I found a little black book and on it the title read Apollo's diary.

I thought ... what the ...?OK so he was upstairs in the room so I took a glance at it.

Day 1. March 30, 2007

OMG. I can't believe my mother put me in this black box for hours without food or water or a litter box. It was a nightmare! I even was transferred to a different deep dark space. The noise was unbelievable. I was scared shitless (with no toilet).

Finally they take me out of the belly of the big silver beast. I arrive at this spot and some tall dark handsome fellow whisks me away in this really nice jeep Cherokee. I fell in love immediately. OMG he was sooooo gentle and with hands sooo soft. I think I must be gay. We finally got to "his" place and he stuffs me into this small room. Not sure what is going on. Is he upset with me? Well I suppose I did feel more comfy in there.

I did get a good night sleep. When I awoke I smelled the scent of fresh flowers. What is that...?

The tall dark fellow comes and takes me away and will not let me go so I can explore. He finally puts me down in front of this bowl that contains this mush.... yuk it smelled like .. not sure but it was horrible. Where is my damn Purina cat chow!!! Ok he does bring out the good stuff after a while and some screaming. Aaaargg. Tired now I think I'm going to sleep the whole thing off. Maybe when I wake up I will be home with mom.


Wow.. I was really surprised to find this diary.

More later
